Senior prank involving live chicken leads to classroom lockdowns

A senior prank involving a live chicken at a Montgomery Country school got the attention of police. The prank even led to two classroom lockdowns.

"In the moment we weren't thinking. We were stupid." Two seniors just days away from graduation from Pottsgrove High School are apologizing for what they even call a stupid idea.

"We scared kids, we scared a teacher. We put their lives in what they thought was in danger, so yeah I regret it," senior Emmalyn Huber said.

A live chicken named Lutvie wearing a sign--a pet of senior class president Sara Amer was let loose inside a school hallway Wednesday as a senior prank.

The problem was the girls came to the school disguised.They were wearing masks and hoods--leading to two classroom lockdowns, a police response and chaos.

The school superintendent tells FOX 29 over the phone teachers and students were terrified, especially after recent school shootings.

"It's not a joke. It's not a prank. We would have locked down the whole school. It would have been an all out lockdown because we had intruders in the building," Pottsgrove School Superintendent Dr. William Shirk.

The girls are being sent a summons for disorderly conduct, they've been suspended from school for 10 days and they may not walk in their graduation.

"My future, being able to go to college, having a criminal record, graduating being able to walk in graduation. my whole family's embarrassment," Huber said.

A petition is now being circulated by classmates in support of the girls saying the punishment is too harsh because they meant no harm.

"If we could go back we wouldn't do this. If we were to do it we would do it a totally different way. We were dumb," Armer said.

You may be asking what happened to that chicken? Well, since animal control was involved the SPCA has taken custody of Lutvie the chicken.
