Stairway to Heaven: Mysterious Beam of Light Seen Rising From Scene of Tragic Car Accident

(INSIDE EDITION) Following a fatal car crash in Georgia last month, a beam of light fell from the sky and shined down on the wreckage, leaving many to believe it was an illumination from heaven.

A mother, her 9-month old baby, and the woman's best friend all lost their lives in the tragic accident.

Hannah Simmons, 23, was taking her baby girl, A'lannah, for a routine checkup at the doctor when, police say she lost control of her car and crashed head-on into a truck in Gainesville.

The passenger in the car was Hannah's best friend Lauren Buteau, who also died in the wreck.

Student Anisa Gannon, 19, was on her way to work in when she came upon the scene. She says she took the photo with her cell phone to prove to her boss that she had a good reason for being late.

Gannon didn't know anyone had died and said she didn't notice the beam of light.

Gannon's aunt, Tara, initially spotted the divine scenario and told her niece, "It looked like they were going to heaven."

Following the tragedy, Gannon met with the mothers of the two women who perished in the accident to show them the image.

Jodi Simmons, who is Hannah's mom and the little girl's grandmother, told Inside Edition that she "absolutely" believes the powerful image shows a "pathway to heaven."

Dana Buteau is Lauren's mother. She also viewed the photo and believed everyone involved in the crash "went straight to heaven."

"[You] don't know how much that photo means to me," Jodi said. "Thank you."

"It makes me feel good," Gannon said as emotions pour out over her photo. "I helped someone."

Even with their heartbreak, the moms find comfort in believing that their children are in a better place.

"I can't explain the feeling [that] came over me," Dana said. "It was like watching them go to heaven."

Jodi echoed the sentiment, saying there is "no doubt in my mind" everyone went to a better place.
