Wolf signs bills, including to decriminalize fentanyl strips

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf signed a flurry of bills Thursday, including energy tax credits, decriminalization of fentanyl test strips and help for autonomous vehicles, as the two-year legislative session winds down.

Wolf sues to stop GOP-backed amendments on abortion, voting

The lawsuit filed in the state Supreme Court argues that the proposed abortion amendment would violate privacy protections. Wolf wants the high court to throw out the amendments, declaring that they are not constitutionally valid.

Gov. Wolf's last budget, like his first, will feature schools

Gov. Tom Wolf's eighth and last budget proposal being delivered to lawmakers Tuesday is expected to push state spending well past $40 billion for the first time, as the Democrat will ask Republicans for another substantial increase in state aid for public schools.

Judge recommends congressional map favored by Pa. GOP lawmakers

Democrats view it as a partisan map, producing 10 Republican seats, and maybe up to 12, in a state where Pennsylvania’s delegation is currently split evenly and registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 4 million to 3.4 million.

What to watch for in Pennsylvania governor's budget proposal

Gov. Tom Wolf will pitch his eighth and last budget proposal to lawmakers Tuesday, as the Democrat pushes Republicans to spend more federal pandemic relief aid now and Wolf looks to cement his public school legacy by securing a big boost in state aid.

Gov. Wolf signs fast-tracked $225M for health care workers

Two months after the omicron variant of the coronavirus slammed hospitals with unvaccinated patients, Gov. Tom Wolf signed fast-tracked legislation Wednesday to help keep burned-out health care workers on board during a staffing crisis.

Governor Wolf's carbon-pricing plan encounters new legal hurdle

Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration wants the centerpiece of the Democrat's plan to fight climate change to take effect immediately, but it is being held up in a growing legal dispute by an agency that answers to the Republican-controlled Legislature.