10-year-old boy looking for loving home
10-year-old boy looking for loving home
Jay has been in foster care for the past three years. Parental rights are now terminated. He’s waiting for the right family to adopt him, a wait that is never easy.
HOUSTON - In this month’s Finding Families, Sally MacDonald introduces you to Jay, a ten-year-old boy who is full of energy and ready to meet a forever family.
Jay’s favorite sport is basketball but he also likes to draw and play legos and video games.
"He is a sweet little boy. From the moment he wakes up he is on the go," said Caitlin Brake, Depelchin Children’s Center.
Jay has been in foster care for the past three years. Parental rights are now terminated. He’s waiting for the right family to adopt him, a wait that is never easy.
"I wish that I could have a family. I wish that I was loved and happy," said Jay.
Depelchin Children’s Center says the right family for Jay will be patient and understanding.
"With families, when they go into the process to adopt they are not alone. They can reach out to agencies like Depelchin to partner with them, have therapists, counselors and adoptive clinicians," said Brake.
Together, that support system can help bring insight into the child’s behavior.
"It’s imperative we get him into a family setting that can provide stability for him, a loving environment he can grow up in," said Brake.
"What are some fund things you would want to do with your family?" asked Sally.
"Go to the park, go to the pool, have some fun," said Jay.
To adopt jay, visit https://www.depelchin.org/findingfamilies/