4 sets of brothers, twin sisters make up Pennsbury wrestling team

The Pennsbury High School wrestling team has a very unique bond since many of the wrestlers are siblings. In the 2020 season, there are four sets of brothers and another set of twins to manage the team. Of those four brother pairings, there is another set of twins. Now, the team is giving a whole new meaning to fighting with your family. 

The team's coach Wayne Stinson says it really adds to the family dynamic that they try to preach as coaches. He says that it's truly the goal to make everyone feel like they are one family.  ”We sat the kids down and we said this is special guys. You know we try to bring a family atmosphere just with our philosophies growing up and then now we actually have it," Stinson told FOX 29. 

There's the Slaughters, the Hollerans, Mcgurrins, the Kellehers and the Rosarios.

Freshman twins Liam and Nolan Hall are new to the team and already feel the family atmosphere.

Most of them were raised wrestling. Evan Slaughter started wrestling when he was 5 years old. Having his brother on the team just feels like an extension of the way they used to play as kids. 

“It’s just my brother, you know, he’s just messing around like always he used to throw me around," he explained.

Most of the siblings say that they use wrestling as a way to work out any issues between them. 

Shane McGurrin is the younger brother in his duo, but he is just as eager to meet his brother on the mat. 

”Probably once a week, twice a week come in here and work it out," McGurrin said.

They take their problems to the mat and it lets them work on their skills and also gives bragging right  

Jared Kelleher says it’s normal.

“If we cant figure something out, we just settle it as a match," he said. 

All of the siblings say not only are they very competitive but they also motivate each other during practice to work harder. 


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