57-year-old woman found dead inside her Port Richmond home

"She was laying on her stomach with obvious trauma to her head. It was a large amount of blood around her head," said Chief Inspector Scott Small.

Crime scene investigators continued searching for evidence late into the night. So far the weapon used hasn't been found. One of the victim's children was on scene being comforted by other family and friends but she did not want to talk. Police say family members found the woman's body and called police.

"Based on information from family members she was last seen alive this morning. Family members discovered her around 4pm this evening and then they notified police," said Chief Inspector Small.

Neighbors said off camera they called the victim Ginny, short for Virginia and that she was nice lady who lived alone with her pets. Police say there was no sign of forced entry.

"According to family members who discovered the body in addition to her body on the first floor some rooms on the second floor of the property appeared to be ransacked. Also they noticed some items including electronics missing," said Chief Inspector Small. Police will be looking at video from security cameras outside two homes near the victim's house.
