A year after tragedy: Community gathers to remember Roxborough shooting that killed teen boy

It's been a year since a football scrimmage took a deadly and devastating turn that forever changed the lives of an entire school and community.

On September27, 2022, Nicolas Elizalde was killed in an ambush shooting when five shooters emerged from a car and unleashed more than 60 shots. 

The 14-year-old student was leaving a football scrimmage with four other teens when the tragic chaos unfolded outside Roxborough High School.


Teen killed in shooting near Roxborough High School remembered as "special kid"

A high school community in Philadelphia is left heartbroken after a 14-year-old student was killed in an ambush shooting that injured four teens following a football scrimmage.

On Wednesday, the high school hosted a "Day of Peace" to mark once year since the tragedy, and reclaim it for peace as the school continues to heal.

The day began with a moment of silence during morning announcements.

"I ask you now to please stop what you are doing, calm your bodies, calm your minds," the assistant principal announced over the loudspeaker as he asked the community to remember all those affected by gun violence.

The teen's football coach then led the team to a commemorative plague and mural honoring the life of the teenage football player as students, staff and the community planted flowers.


Four suspects in Roxborough High School shooting appear in court on murder charges

Four suspects charged in the deadly shooting near Roxborough High School appeared in court on Tuesday as prosecutors poured over evidence that lead to their arrests.

Police are still looking for Dayron Burney-Thorn, the fifth suspect wanted in connection to the student's killing.

Four other suspects, Troy Fletcher, 15; Yaaseen Bivins, 21; Zyhied Jones, 17; and Saleem Miller, 16, have since been charged with murder.