Acosta to take questions on handling of Epstein case

Hoping to stave off intensifying calls for his resignation, Labor Secretary Alex Acosta plans to make a statement Wednesday regarding his handling of a sex-trafficking case involving now-jailed financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Acosta, a former federal prosecutor in south Florida, is being assailed for his part in a secret 2008 plea deal that let Epstein avoid federal prosecution on charges that he molested teenage girls. Acosta has repeatedly defended his work in the case and is not expected to resign during his afternoon appearance.

The deal Acosta helped broker has come under new and intense scrutiny after prosecutors in New York on Monday brought new child sex-trafficking charges alleging Epstein abused dozens of underage girls in the early 2000s, paying them hundreds of dollars in cash for massages, then molesting them at his homes in Florida and New York. Epstein has pleaded not guilty to the charges; if convicted he could be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

In what could serve as a preview of his remarks, Acosta on Tuesday defended himself on Twitter, crediting "new evidence and additional testimony" uncovered by prosecutors in New York for providing "an important opportunity to more fully bring him to justice."

"The crimes committed by Epstein are horrific, and I am pleased that NY prosecutors are moving forward with a case based on new evidence," he wrote.

RELATED: Wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein charged with molesting dozens of girls | What did Epstein's famous friends know and see? | Dems want Acosta to quit for role in Jeffrey Epstein plea deal | Accuser says Jeffrey Epstein raped her when she was 15

Jeffrey Epstein is accused of paying underage girls for massages and molesting them at his homes in Florida and New York.

Marc Short, chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, also defended Acosta's conduct, telling reporters, "The reality is that the defense attorneys in that case actually tried to get Alex removed because they thought he was such an aggressive prosecutor in this case."

"As you heard Alex say yesterday, we welcome the fact that there is additional evidence that can be prosecuted," Short said. "The crimes are atrocities and certainly should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Trump has, so far, also defended Acosta, praising his work as labor secretary and saying he felt "very badly" for him "because I've known him as being somebody that works so hard and has done such a good job." Still, he said, he would be looking at the circumstances of the case "very closely."

Though Trump may have made the tagline "You're fired!" famous on his reality show "The Apprentice," he has shown a pattern of reluctance to fire even his most embattled aides. Trump, for instance, took months to dismiss Scott Pruitt as Environmental Protection Agency administrator despite a dizzying array of scandals, and allowed Jeff Sessions to remain as attorney general for more than a year even as he railed at and belittled him.

Trump, who had once praised Epstein as "a terrific guy," also dissociated himself Tuesday from the wealthy hedge fund manager now charged with abusing minors, saying the two had a falling out 15 or so years ago and hadn't spoken since.

Democratic presidential contenders and party leaders want Acosta to resign or be fired over the 2008 deal that has struck many prosecutors as unusually lenient. Under the deal, Epstein pleaded guilty to lesser state charges, averting a possible life sentence if convicted, and served 13 months in a work-release program. He was also required to make payments to victims and register as a sex offender.

Many Senate Republicans have taken a wait-and-see approach. Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., said Tuesday that Acosta should hold a news conference to explain why he'd agreed to the plea bargain and answer all questions.

"Anybody who would look at this, just based on what's been reported, would have questions," Kennedy said. "That doesn't mean necessarily that there aren't answers." The Labor Department said Acosta planned to take questions as well as make a statement.