Archdiocese of Philadelphia high schools adopt hybrid learning system for fall

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced Thursday it plans on adopting a hybrid learning system that combines in-person and online instruction as high schools reopen in the fall.

In a letter sent to parents Thursday, officials said students will remain rostered for their normal school day schedule and participate in class every day, allowing for a full year of complete instruction. 

Under this model, students will be assigned to an A or B group. Some schools will use school colors, such as green and white to designate the days, while the A group students are present in the building, students in the B group will participate in each class live through a new Learning Management System (LMS) and a video conferencing system. On the following school day, students in the B group will go to school in-person while students in the A group will learn from home.

Officials say this type of synchronous learning means that students are receiving direct, real-time instruction whether in the school building or at home.

“High school students are better suited to remote, quality instruction than younger children. The success of our virtual learning during the Spring of 2020 highlighted the maturity, self-discipline, and focus of our students. This hybrid model will offer both in-class instruction and the safety of virtual learning. Our goal is to have every student back in the classroom every day, as soon as it is safe to do so. We will be flexible and make changes as the plan as matters evolve,” officials said in the letter.

Cameras and sound equipment will be installed in classrooms throughout the 17 high schools so all classes can be live streamed through Zoom.


The following safety precautions will be implemented as students return:

  • Students will be seated a full 6 feet apart, as recommended by the CDC, when in classrooms or seated in the cafeteria or other spaces in the school.
  • Signage will be placed in hallways and stairwells reminding students of the distancing requirement.  
  • Students and staff will be required to wear face coverings following the directives of the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
  • Screening for symptoms will be in place for students, staff and essential visitors.
  •  Ventilation systems are being checked and classroom windows will be opened to provide fresh air. The time between class periods is being increased to allow students to safely change classes.
  • Only bottle fill water coolers will be used in schools.
  • Greatly enhanced cleaning and sanitation will be performed during the school day with deeper cleaning each night.
  • Electrostatic disinfecting equipment has been purchased for each school so that schools can regularly disinfect surfaces

The entire plan can be viewed below. Mobile users can view the plan, here.

RELATED: School District of Philadelphia announces plan for fall academic year


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