Bad allergy season hitting Philadelphia due to high levels of tree and grass pollen

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Bad allergy season hitting Philadelphia due to high levels of tree and grass pollen

Allergies are in full swing and as temperatures climb to summer-like degrees, the pollen levels are expected to only get worse.

Many were out enjoying the weather on Wednesday afternoon outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art. However, they could also feel their allergy symptoms kicking up.

"It’s more pronounced when I’m mowing the lawn or working on any landscaping," said Antigone Goetz. "My car is covered in a thick layer of pollen."

"For me, this morning when I woke up, my eyes were really itchy," said Damaris Nugin of Dirty Dian Brand.

"I get really sneezy. I can always tell early in the morning when I come out," said Aminah Khalilah of Streetstylehaute.


This week the pollen count is forecasted to be high to moderate.

"We have an uptick in grass pollen. We have tree pollen out there. We had a very wet week or so before and now it’s beautiful, perfect weather for pollen," said Dr. Mike Cirigliano, FOX 29 Medical Contributor.

Dr. Mike recommends using over-the-counter nasal spray, taking allergy medication, and doing a sinus rinse.

"Works like a charm because it flushes out all the pollen in your nose and if you do that, like I do every morning and every night, you’re going to be just fine," said Dr. Mike.

If you experience severe allergies, make an appointment to see an allergist. Also, do not give children any allergy medication without first consulting their pediatrician.