Barbers and hair stylists struggle to stay afloat as coronavirus shutdown continues

Countless businesses are struggling to stay afloat as the coronavirus shutdown continues, including barbers and hair stylists.

Rosalie Dunbar and her daughter Tina Marsella are both salon owners. This isn't just a job for them, it is their business and livelihood.

“I shut down March 14 and it’s been really stressful," Dunbar told FOX 29.

The beauty industry relies quite heavily on the opposite of social distancing, close-quarter interaction that makes a trip to the salon so personal.

“Oh, I’m a stylist that literally has like the biggest passion for what I do so it’s extremely hard to not do it," Marsella explained.

However, passion alone can't pay the bills for Marsella who owns her own salon in South Jersey, this shutdown is causing extreme financial pain.

“A lot of revenue. Let’s just say a lot. I can’t even put a number on it. It's that bad," she said.

“Are you worried about paying rent, keeping your business open?” FOX 29's Marcus Espinoza asked.  Dunbar replied, "I am concerned, likewise, I have a wonderful landlord that is working with me as well.”

Despite the hardship, these two say they will stay positive, but admit if this continues through the summer, it could get even worse.



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