Bensalem girl desperately searches for beloved doll as she undergoes brain surgeries

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Bensalem girl desperately searches for beloved doll as she undergoes brain surgeries

The Ramirez family visits Good Day.

One little girl in Bensalem is desperately missing her dear companion -- a Minnie Mouse doll she has had almost 13 years and numerous brain surgeries.

Bryanna Ramirez has endured 40 brain surgeries at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia with the help of her Minnie Mouse doll to provide comfort. After a trip to Chick-Fil-A, the doll went missing and now all Bryanna wants is it returned. 

Niki Ramirez, her mother, made a Facebook post to raise awareness about the lost doll and it has since gone viral with over over 40,000 shares.

The 13-year-old has a serious brain condition called Chiari malformation. Her mom, Niki Ramirez, says Bryanna and her sisters were all born with a tissue disease. “Their skull is too small for their brain and it pushes their brain down to their spinal cord,” Niki added

Brianna and her beloved doll Minnie.

Bryanna has had Minnie since before she can remember and the doll has been by her side through 40 brain surgeries and two strokes.

“She’s been through everything with me,” said Bryanna. “She makes me feel safe.” 

Niki says the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia nurses know Minnie, and if Bryanna was going to be in a brace, so was Minnie. 

Bryanna Ramirez holding onto her Minnie Mouse doll after a surgery.

“She wanted this doll and my husband and I said we are not going to spend $6 on that! She is not going to use that and she literately from that day did not put Minnie down,” Niki explained.

When they realized Minnie was missing before bedtime, panic flashed through Niki’s mind. “She’s been through everything. Even when she is sedated and before she wakes up from surgery she is looking and feeling for that Minnie before she even wakes up.” 

The family says Minnie was last seen at the Chick-fil-A on Horizon Blvd across from Neshaminy Mall around 6 p.m. on Saturday.  

“She is having medical issues now and to see her have to go through the hospital again without her, it’s just horrible,” stated Niki.

The mother and daughter went back to the Chick-fil-A where employees sifted through trash bags, but Minnie was nowhere to be found.

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Doll helps Bensalem girl with brain surgeries; the doll is now missing and desperately sought

Lauren Dugan reports from Bensalem on a girl missing a doll who helps her through brain surgeries. The doll is desperately sought.

The family is praying someone picked up the doll by mistake and they hope for a homecoming. 

“I just really want her back,” said Bryanna. 

If anyone sees Minnie, contact with FOX 29 through the Facebook page here, or through the “Contact” page of


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