Charges expected to be filed against couple who had 276 dogs in home

Charges are expected to be filed against a New Jersey couple who had 276 dogs living in their bi-level home.

Monmouth County SPCA executive director and police chief Ross Licitra says he hopes to meet with the county prosecutor's office this week to discuss the matter. Officials say the home was in "deplorable" condition.

Licitra says he doesn't want the Howell couple sent to jail, noting they have cooperated with authorities. But he feels some form of punishment is needed, such as a ban or limit on how many animals they can own.

Licitra says the dogs are small breeds and are doing well and will be put up for adoption. But two have since given birth and officials say as many as 25 more may be pregnant.

The Monmouth County Sheriff's Office said it was the worst animal hoarding case they've ever seen.

The dogs were discovered Thursday evening after an animal control officer was called to find a dog that had gotten loose.
