Charles County deputy donates kidney to fellow deputy

A Charles County deputy will have an inseparable bond with a fellow deputy after he donates his kidney to him.

Not only are Deputy Andrew Fenlon and Deputy Frederick "Sonny" Davis co-workers, they're also best friends.
The duo met playing little league baseball and even share the same birthday.

Now, the deputies will also share a kidney after they underwent transplant surgery at Georgetown University Hospital on Tuesday.

"Until recently I felt OK. It wasn't too bad," explained Davis, who has been battling kidney disease for 13 years. "(But) I've been on dialysis for a couple weeks. You get swelling. When I go to dialysis I get bad headaches. Last night I had a headache for four or five hours. I'll be happy to not have to worry about getting those headaches anymore."

Fenlon said he wasn't asked to donate his kidney and that he went on his own to the hospital to see if he was a match after learning his best friend needed a kidney.

"He wouldn't have asked me," Fenlon said. "No one would really ask me to get tested. I just went up there and decided to get tested myself."

The Charles County Sheriff's Department told FOX 5 their entire department is standing behind the two deputies and hoped to see them back at work very soon.
