Chester County teen celebrates grand opening of bike repair shop and nonprofit

A big grand opening Saturday in Malvern, but it was not a typical ribbon cutting, as a Chester County teen is the brainchild behind a budding business and growing nonprofit.

"When I started, I never imagined something this big," says Dominick Pecora, of Berwyn, minutes before the Grand Opening celebration of his very own storefront on Lancaster Avenue in Malvern.  Pecora is only 14-years-old.

"It feels crazy," says Pecora. "It feels surreal walking into the shop and unlocking the doors every day."

Previously, Pecora operated his bike repair shop out of a garage in Paoli. Before that, he worked out of his parents’ home.

Dom started fixing bikes at the age of 10. He was trying to make money to afford his dream mountain bike at a cost of $2,500.

As it turned out, he had money left over at the end of the year and decided to donate bikes to children for Christmas. "I wanted to give back to the community just as they helped me with donating money to get my bike. I donated six bikes for Christmas that year. The next year, nine. And last year, 27."

Now "Dom Fixes Bikes" is an official 501c3. He fixes, sells and donates bikes.

Kate Madden, of Ambler, learned about Dom’s work through Facebook.  She immediately became a fan and a board member.

"I think he’s setting a great example for other kids. I’ve got three kids here and just to see the commitment and dedication that he’s got is really inspirational," says Madden.

Dom has a lot of fans. The grand opening was a huge success thanks to family, friends, strangers and business partners, including, his landlord, Stacey Ballard, who helped to make this happen.

Ballard tells Fox 29 News, "I’m really excited. He’s gonna go a long way. He’s gonna go a lot of places."

Madden adds, "I’m so proud. He’s not my kid, but I feel like he is one of my kids and I’m just so proud of what he’s accomplished in three years."

This is just the beginning for Dom. He says his goal is to have three stores within the next four years.

If you’d like to get involved and sponsor a bike donation or visit the shop, visit his website, here.

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