DA: No criminal charges for couple kicked out of ride-share for racist comments

A man and woman were recently refused a ride because of racist remarks. However, the Pennsylvania couple will reportedly not face criminal charges for their actions.

The incident began when a woman made a comment about her ride-share driver, named James Bode, being white.

"Are you like a white guy?" she can be heard asking in a video of the exchange. "Are you like a normal guy, like you speak English."

Bode, who went viral for calling out racism, told the couple to get out of his car after the "completely inappropriate" comment.

The male passenger then became angry, calling Bode an "a******," and saying he should "punch him in the face."

"You're gonna threaten me with assault?" Bode asked. "Cause you guys are racist *****."

The couple's actions were under investigation. However, no criminal charges will be issued against the couple, according to Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin.

'No criminal charges would apply to the conduct," Martin said. "Reprehensible though it might be."


The video has been seen and shared tens of thousands of times, with many people praising Bode for speaking up.

"We should all be that person," Bode said in a Facebook post. "Speak up if you’re uncomfortable with it because it makes them uncomfortable, as they should be."
