Dangerous intersection in Montgomery County has residents upset, looking for solutions

Residents in Montgomery County are fed up over an intersection which is causing a lot of headaches.

People living near the intersection say drivers fly past the posted 25 mph zone, leading to several crashes and costly damage.

"This intersection is very dangerous," Tiffany Arthur stated. Her brother owns a restaurant on the corner of DeKalb and East Brown streets, in Norristown. She added, "I have seen their establishment get destroyed at least four times. A car went completely into his establishment last year."

Another accident just tore through a stair railing this week. The intersection has been the scene of multiple accidents, including fatal accidents, like the one a few months ago that killed a 37-year-old woman from Ambler.

"No one should be losing their life, especially when it could be prevented," Arthur went on.

Residents are saying for that stretch of DeKalb Road, or State Road 202, a greater effort to slow traffic needs to be implemented.

Arthur said, "They should have a light at every intersection or speed bumps. Something."

Dawn Gallo lives near the intersection and has captured photo after photo of the many accidents that continue to occur.

"Three! Three in one week," Gallo exclaimed. She said, just this week, she witnessed cars crash directly into her yard. She was a firsthand witness to the recent fatal crash.

Gallo continued, "I’m at my wits end because how many more lives are going to have to be lost?"

She says she witnesses cars blatantly ignoring the speed limit and driving at reckless speeds. "60 to at least 100, 120 mph. It’s like a speed zone here. My parents were hit outside of my house."

She says she reached out to PennDOT and the city multiple times and is hoping for a solution, before more lives are lost. "I just want something to be done for everyone’s safety. Material things can be replaced. Lives cannot."