Daunting challenges await Chester's mayor-elect as he prepares for a first term

The city of Chester, in Delaware County, has elected a new mayor. 62-year-old Stefan Roots will take office in January and said he has a long list of issues to tackle.

Chester’s problems are not hidden. Its downtown looks abandoned. Much of its aging housing stock is worn, even abandoned. And a startling 30 percent of its 33,000 residents are mired in poverty.

Stefan Roots is well aware. Asked if he’s optimistic about Chester, Roots said, "This is the only thing I’ve been wanting to do for the last couple years. This is why I got into city government in the first place."

Stefan Roots, mayor-elect of Chester, Pennsylvania.

In January, his goal to lead the city of Chester will be realized when he’s sworn in as mayor. Roots a member of City Council, knocked off long-time Mayor Thadius Kirland in the May primary and trounced his general election opponent Tuesday. He said he must first make government work. "People are looking for services," he said. He added, "Government services, a focus on things like taking care of trash, abandoned cars, one of the things that’s come up lately is lighting in the city."

Chester is in bankruptcy with its finances largely controlled by a state-appointed receiver. Ask residents of Pennsylvania’s oldest town how it can be improved, and they’ll ask simply that you look around.

Emanuel Droz has lived in town for all of his 36 years. He said he wants Roots to tackle "Honestly, everything. Housing, jobs, everything. It’s crazy out here."

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