Delaware County residents still cleaning up after Nor'easter

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Many Delaware County residents are still cleaning up after the Nor'easter where high winds knocked down trees and power lines.

"What can you do?" asked resident Martha Longo.

Making the most of the waning daylight, Longo was speeding through a newspaper, before everything goes dark for a 3rd night. Then, the lights come on in her section of Drexel Park.

"YAY! Could be worse, could be horrible weather outside," exclaimed Longo

But, it's much worse for Patrick McCullough.

"That door blew open. Fire came out the roof and there it went," said McCullough, whose home exploded.

The explosion blew a hole through his living room floor, right above the furnace in his basement in Alden when his power was restored mid-morning March 4th. Luckily, he, his wife and four children were staying with family.

"We had a cat and a dog that were still in the house. We lost everything," McCullough said.

Homeowners insurance and the Red Cross are helping.

"I haven't really felt it yet. The good news is my family is safe. The bad news is the kids love their pets. They're family. It's been rough," McCullough explained.

"The damage is extensive and it's throughout the county," said Delaware County Council Chairman John McBlain.

McBlain has asked the state for help in the form of generators to power traffic signals and critical housing for the ailing and elderly. He has asked for more people to remove fallen trees and asked for the state police or the National Guard in still hard to travel areas.

"Even after we get the trees off the wires, they still need to be dealt with and help with generators," said McBlain.

McBlain's power is not expected to be restored until Wednesday. Just in time for another storm.