Power restored at PHL in Terminal D; travelers urged to check with carriers for status
Power outage disrupted flights out of Terminal D at Philly International
Terminal D at Philadelphia International Airport experienced a power outage early Saturday morning that disrupted passengers and flights. The power was restored in the early afternoon.
SOUTH PHILADELPHIA - On this busy travel weekend, frustrating news for passengers of some airlines after an early morning power outage at Philadelphia International Airport’s Terminal D caused delays.
Officials with the airport alerted the public through social media of the issue around 6 a.m. Saturday, saying that passengers of United, Delta, JetBlue, Air Canada and Alaska Air should all check with their carriers, in order to assure their flight would still be taking off.
By 8:30 Saturday morning, the power outage seemed to only be affecting Delta Airlines.
Officials said power was restored by 1:30 Saturday afternoon and normal operations were underway. They urged those flying with the above-mentioned airlines to continue to check to make sure their flights were not delayed.
A source of the outage was still being investigated, airport officials noted.