Donald Trump speaks at Sneaker Con, introducing sneaker line in campaign-style rally

Former president Donald Trump was in Philadelphia Saturday, speaking at Sneaker Con, being held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

He spoke just a day after a New York judge found the former president guilty of deceptive business practices and fraud and ordered him to pay $355 million in penalties.

Trump spoke to the audience in what was part campaign rally and part announcement for a new line of sneakers bearing his name and selling for $399.

Donald Trump at Sneaker Con.

More than 350 vendors from all over the world were on hand, catering to sneaker collectors at the gathering that bills itself the "Greatest Sneaker Show on Earth."


Trump civil fraud trial verdict: $364M penalty imposed

The judge ruled against Trump, imposing a $364 million penalty. He also barred Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation for two years.

The former president urged people to get out and vote.

"What’s the most important thing?" Trump asked. "To go out and vote, right? We have to go out and vote. We got to get young people out to vote and you’re going to vote and we’re going to turn this thing around."

Many who attended were surprised to see the former president and some suggested there are other more important places a presidential candidate should go to in Philadelphia.

Philly resident Danny Forrest, said, "It’s weird to see him at Sneaker Con. I don’t think this is the place where he should be trying to get votes right now. This ain’t it. There’s other stuff going on in Philadelphia, other than this. Let’s go down to K and A [streets]and see what’s going on down there, versus coming to Sneaker Con, trying to get votes."

After wrapping up his speech in Philly, Trump was to make his way to a campaign event in Michigan.