Doug Mastriano concedes Pennsylvania Governor's race to Josh Shapiro

Doug Mastriano delivers remarks during a rally at Arnold Palmer Regional Airport in Latrobe, United States on November 5, 2022. (Photo by Kyle Mazza/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images) ((Photo by Kyle Mazza/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images))

Republican candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, Doug Mastriano, has conceded his loss in the race to Governor-Elect Josh Shapiro.

In a statement released Sunday, Mastriano expressed heartfelt gratitude for those involved with his campaign. "I’m indebted to my team, which gave everything it had and asked what more it could give." He gave thanks to his wife, Rebbie and to Carrie DelRosso, candidate for Lt. Govern.

Mastriano then went on to thank those who voted for him, saying, "This was, indeed, "The People’s" movement. It’s a movement that defied the odds, and it’s a movement that will continue to defy the odds."


Mastriano then pledged his support to Governor-Elect Shapiro, saying he would do all in his power to help Shapiro lead the commonwealth of Pennsylvania achieve all of its potential. He added that election reform was something he believed was strongly needed and should be dealt with at the outset of a new administration.

Lastly, he added a personal note about his campaign, "Finally, I will admit that Rebbie and I have not taken the easy road. We chose to be exactly who we are, knowing full-well the nature of politics. But we are resolute in our convictions and steadfast in our belief that everyone should walk as free people."