Dozens of Philly schools dismissing early Thursday, Friday due to extreme heat: district

Dozens of Philadelphia schools with inadequate cooling equipment will dismiss for the rest of the week due to sweltering temperatures are forecasted for the city. 

The School District of Philadelphia announced last week that students at 74 city schools will attend class in the morning on Tuesday and Wednesday before dismissing early. On Wednesday, officials said they were extending the early dismissals to include Thursday and Friday, and adding 12 more schools to the list:

  1. Allen, Ethan
  2. AMY James Martin
  3. AMY Northwest
  4. Anderson, Marian
  5. Bache-Martin*
  6. Bartram, John
  7. Barton, Clara*
  8. Blaine, James*
  9. Bridesburg
  10. Bridesburg Annex
  11. Brown, Joseph H.
  12. Building 21
  13. Casarez, Gloria
  14. Castor Gardens
  15. Catharine, Joseph*
  16. Cassidy, Lewis
  17. Central HS
  18. Comegys, B.
  19. Comly, Watson
  20. Crossan, Kennedy
  21. Day, Anna*
  22. Disston, Hamilton
  23. Dunbar, Paul
  24. Ellwood*
  25. Emlen, Eleanor*
  26. Fell, D Newlin
  27. Feltonville Intermediate
  28. Finletter, Thomas
  29. Fitler, Edwin
  30. Fitzpatrick, A.*
  31. Fox Chase
  32. Franklin, Ben HS
  33. Franklin S. Edmonds
  34. Furness, Horace
  35. Gideon, Edward*
  36. Girard, Stephen
  37. Harding, Warren
  38. Henry, Charles
  39. Hill-Freedman
  40. Hopkinson, Francis
  41. Houston, Henry
  42. Howe, Julia
  43. Hunter, William
  44. Jenks, Abram
  45. Jenks, John S
  46. Kirkbride, E.*
  47. Lamberton*
  48. Lingelbach, Anna
  49. Locke, Alain
  50. Loesche*
  51. Ludlow, James
  52. Mastbaum
  53. McCloskey, John
  54. McClure, A.*
  55. McMichael, M.*
  56. Meredith, William
  57. Mitchell, Weir
  58. Moore, J. Hampton
  59. Morrison, Andrew J.
  60. MYA
  61. Nebinger, George*
  62. Olney Elementary
  63. OEC Annex
  64. Overbrook ES
  65. Parkway West
  66. Patterson, John*
  67. Penn Treaty
  68. Rhawnhurst*
  69. Roosevelt, T.
  70. Rowen, William
  71. Roxborough HS
  72. Sayre, William
  73. Sharswood, George*
  74. Sheppard, Issac
  75. SLA (BFHS)
  76. South Phila. HS*
  77. Spring Garden
  78. Spruance, Gilbert*
  79. Sullivan, James
  80. Tilden, William
  81. The U School
  82. Wagner, Gen. Louis
  83. Waring, Laura
  84. Washington, Grover
  85. Washington, Martha
  86. Workshop School

"Student safety is our number one priority, and the District is taking several measures to help maintain healthy and comfortable classroom conditions," said Philly schools COO Oz Hill.

"The District has invested $285.7 million to improve electrical and HVAC systems in 23 schools, with an emphasis on those serving elementary students. We have installed over 800 window air conditioning units and over 1,400 hydration stations to provide cool, filtered drinking water."

Exposure to excessive heat, according to the district, can cause heat-related illnesses, such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. 

School District of PhiladelphiaEducationWeather