Eagles legend Jason Kelce slings drinks for 4th annual celebrity bartending event

Recently retired Eagles star Jason Kelce was back at work Wednesday not on the football field but behind the bar down the shore.

The Eagles legend recruited some former teammates to sling drinks for the 4th Annual Jason Kelce Celebrity Bartending event.

Hundreds of fans packed Ocean Drive for the chance to get drinks or a Jello shot served by an Eagles star. The event is a major fundraiser for the Eagles Autism Foundation.


Jason Kelce returning as bartender at Ocean Drive: Here's how to party with the legend

Jason Kelce will host a two-day event in Sea Isle, New Jersey, benefiting Team 62 and the Eagles Autism Foundation.

"It’s by far the most fun and unique event I’ve ever been a part of from a charity standpoint" said Kelce.

Players like Brandon Graham, Jake Elliott and Fletcher Cox were busy cracking beers, pouring up shots and mixing drinks for a sold-out crowd.

Any bartending tips? "The heavier pour the more they buy." said Kelce.  

Proceeds from the event and all tips went to the Foundation.

Even though Kelce is no longer an Eagle fans say he’ll always be Philly. 

"He just embodies the City of Philadelphia. He’s a family guy, he gives back to the city. He loves people and people love him" said Maureen McAllister of Plymouth Meeting.

"He is such a good genuine wholesome guy. Everybody loves him. How could you not?" said Susie Antonelli of Bristol.

It’s the the first time in years that Kelce was not preparing for a summer training camp but says he’s still keeping busy with things like endorsements, Taylor Swift concerts and his podcast.

"I say yes to more things. The schedule is more open. It’s not as entrenched, which is caused me to be more chaotic and someways not as organized." Kelce added.

For fans with connections to Autism the event means a lot since so many are behind their cause.

"You know autism just threw over the years I think with that I have family member autism so just like resonates with me" Ryan Shaeffer of Langhorne.

Over the past 3 years the event has already raised more than 600-thousand dollars for autism research. Kelce hopes to bring it back next year.