Family asks for Christmas cards for local 5-year-old girl battling cancer

A brave 5-year-old battling cancer is in need of some extra cheer this holiday season, and her family is asking for the public's help.

According to Barb Carnahan, little Laney Carnahan's grandaunt, she has been fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia since June of this year.

"She is strong, and has a lot of love and support around her," Barb wrote on Facebok.

Barb also wrote that Laney has been in and out of CHOP lately due to some minor setbacks during her treatment. However, Laney is now home with family.

"Christmas this year is going to be stressful for the family, and especially for Laney and her best buddy, little brother Liam, who just turned 4 this month," Barb wrote.

"I would like to ask if you might send a fun, happy, holiday card to Laney? Maybe one for Liam and the rest of the family as well? It would make their holidays just a little brighter!

"If you wouldn't mind sharing this message with you friends or on your wall, I would be grateful! I would love to see the house full of Christmas Joy for Laney's family!"
