Flooding damages cars likely beyond repair in Gloucester County
Flooding damages cars likely beyond repair in Gloucester County
Flooding damages cars likely beyond repair in Gloucester County
WESTVILLE, N.J. - Residents in Westville, New Jersey are recovering from an overnight storm that dumped buckets of rain and resulted in damaging flooding.
On Thursday morning, rescue workers and locals wade through chest-high waters to retrieve belongings and evacuate people from homes.
"We've lived here for 30 years and never seen it this bad," Linda Conover said.

While several home sustained water damage in the basement, cars were common casualties of the downpour.
Over 20 vehicles parked at the Dorann Manor apartment complex were inundated with water.
"I'm hoping by the grace of God I have some kind of coverage or maybe the landlord will do something, because 23 cars are under water here," Melissa Hargrove said.
Hargrove never imagined she would need anything more that liability insurance on her blue sedan that she referred to as her "prized possession."
Jennifer Gruff is in a similar position. She and her 7-year-old son, Prudence, looked in awe at the high water Thursday and wondered about their car.

"It's insured with liability insurance, not comprehensive," Gruff said.
Residents like Hargrove and Gruff will have to anxiously wait for their cars to dry out over the next few days. In the meantime, all they can do it hope their luck will take a turn.
"It's how I get everywhere, it's how I do anything," Hargrove said.