Tips to perform CPR in emergency situations

Would you know how to react to save a life? A Delaware County CPR instructor is offering advice on how to perform the procedure if necessary.

CPR instructors say even bad CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is better than none. Anything that is done gives the patient a fighting chance. Gabriel Gray, the owner of Delaware County CPR, says if none is given, that person is dead.

Narberth paramedic and CPR instructor Mike Ford gave some pointers to help someone who may need to save a life. Please note that this is not a substitute for taking a class.

Let's start with emergency situation number: how to treat a choking infant.

"Five back blows. and then we're flipping back over and we're doing 5 compressions. And we're going to keep doing that until they start crying or go limp in that case we're going back and we start CPR," Ford said.

The fingers should be placed right under the nipple line, lined up north and south along the airway.

Let's get to emergency situation number 2: a drowning child in the pool. Take this example two months ago in Arizona, when a 2-year-old boy was face down in the pool. Luckily, his mother knew CPR and saved his life.

"You're gonna want to get the baby to a hard surface. you're gonna take 2 fingers at the center of their nipple line at a rate of 100-120 per minute," said Ford.

If remembering how to keep pace is an issue, try singing the baby shark song. Mike says it’s around 100 per minute.

Larger kids, teens, and adults can have the same tempo. When using this technique, make sure the patient is on the ground and stay consistent.

It is important to press about a third of the way down into the chest when performing CPR. Instructors say for the sake of keeping it simple, don’t perform mouth-to-mouth, but rather stick with chest compressions until help arrives.

"If you're in this situation take a deep breath, try and calm yourself down, and realize that the best thing you can do is to try and help. Hopefully, there's a better outcome than if you do nothing at all," said Mike.

If you'd like to find a CPR class near you, visit the following:



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