Gas is cheap for members only except Mt. Laurel, where a legality keeps Costco gas cheaper for all

Costco’s new gas policy went into effect a few days ago, one in which a person is required to be a Costco member in order to get the discounted gasoline price in New Jersey. But, that rule doesn’t apply in Mount Laurel.

What makes it different? It all comes down to the legal fine print.

"As far as we know? This is the only Costco in the United States where you don’t have to be a member to purchase gas," Mount Laurel solicitor George Morris said.

A line at the Mount Laurel Costco, in Burlington County, Wednesday for a good price. Costco has been pushing to sell gas to members only for the better part of the month. The New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs announced last week that this is not prohibited. But, in Mount Laurel Township, Morris says Costco guaranteed public pump access just to get them approved.


"In a zoning application of that type, they needed to show why this would be positive for the community. Testimony was given that evening that it was positive because it was going to be supplying gas for everyone," Morris explained. "The record was clear with the testimony and it was probably the only reason why they got their approval."

Morris sent a letter to Costco. He says they haven’t replied, but they have complied. All are welcome. Isaiah is a member, but he gets the public lining up.

"They’re always, like, 20 cents lower than the other stations. And, the service is always great. You know it keeps moving," Isaiah said.

They were 27 cents below the state average at the Cherry Hill Costco Thursday, where the membership card is required.

"They had a tent set up and I had to show them my Costco membership card. There was no line. That was the difference," Kayla stated.

"But, over here in Mount Laurel?" asked FOX 29’s Hank Flynn.

"You don’t need your card and there is a huge line," she replied.

Morris says it really all happened just because the pumps were built in Mount Laurel years after the Costco itself was built. He adds that, again, Costco has complied fully with the township letter he sent, but did not communicate with him. Costco also did not return FOX 29’s repeated calls and requests for comments.

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