George Floyd remembered by Philadelphia group at City Hall

Across the country, and here, in Philadelphia, people remembered George Floyd Tuesday and pushed for more action.

"Enough is enough. Enough is enough," chanted the crowd of dozens who came out to City Hall Tuesday evening, to mark the day one year ago George Floyd was murdered.

"From the murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis Police on May 25th, 2020, stemmed an outbreak," said Wendell Bristol. Bristol is the founder of Philadelphia Labor for Black Lives Coalition, which organized the event.

"Labor cannot stand on the sidelines and be silent at this time," said Bristol. The crowd was sprinkled with pictures and signs honoring and remembering Floyd. 

 "Racism is ubiquitous in this country," stated one man, speaking to the gathered crowd. 38-year old Lance Biggs held tight his 2-year old son, Akhujah.

"I have a suspicion it won’t change a ton in his lifetime. I hope that it does, but we're all a part of this history and we're a part of what's, unfortunately, slow change, but it’s necessary," said Biggs, who is a member of the Labor for Black Lives Coalition and SEIU Local 32.

Michael Burger is overwhelmed with sadness, still, about the murder of George Floyd and injustice.

"For my black neighbors and loved ones and neighbors of color across the city and the world, so just continuing to process the lack of safety and support for them," said Burger.

Earlier in the day, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw acknowledged the past year.

"While I obviously don't condone the violent or destructive behavior that came out of the arrest, the outcries against state sanctioned brutality and systemic injustice should not be ignored. They are very real," Outlaw said.

Meanwhile a moment of silence ended the evening at City Hall, with the crowd on their knees.

"George Floyd's daughter said it best. ‘Daddy you're going to change the world,’" said Lolita Owens.



Timeline: Death of George Floyd, reactions and protests

Protests rock United States over George Floyd’s death

Protestors briefly shutdown I-95 in Wilmington in response to death of George Floyd

'Our right to exist': Protesters persist in marching, advocating Justice for George Floyd in Philadelphia

Hennepin County Medical Examiner declares George Floyd death homicide



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