Good Samaritans rescue man and his dog during flash flooding in Delco

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Good Samaritans rescue man and his dog during flash flooding in Delco

Joyce Evans reports from Boothwyn

A man and his dog were stuck with no place to go as floodwaters churn around them. It happened in last week’s storms in Delaware County and the Good Samaritans who rescued the two shared their video of the experience.

“Listening to the radio, we kept hearing the tornado warnings,” Stephen Maguire said.

Stephen and his wife, Sharon, recounted their harrowing drive home from Boyerstown, in the thick of Friday’s pounding storm and the flash flooding that followed.

A little nervous navigating, but they and their pet Pitts Mia and Spencer were inside a hefty F-350 pickup.

“Were you guys looking at each other, like, ‘What just happened?’” asked FOX 29’s Joyce Evans.

“Yeah, I mean the next morning, I couldn’t believe what happened,” Maguire replied.

Stranded vehicles on Darlington Road and a driver in the rushing water, waist deep and rapidly rising.

“We saw the dog and it was like…,” Stephen said.

“Oh, oh, oh, get him in the truck,” Sharon said.

There was no time to think.

“It was too deep for the dog. If the guy had lost the dog, while he was trying to get his duffle bag, too,” Stephen added.

“People were just driving right by him,” Sharon remarked.

“He was shaken up when we got to Wawa, he just hopped out and went inside the store,” Stephen said.

Never got the grateful driver’s name, only that he’s from Kennett Square.

“I’ve pulled a lot of people out of the snow, but nothing like this,” Stephen stated.


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