Haverford High School receives national recognition from Special Olympics for achievements with inclusion

Haverford High School was nationally recognized Friday for providing exceptional inclusive sports and activities for students with and without disabilities.The school also meets high standards for inclusion, advocacy and respect. 

"This is something that this school community has earned. The entire school community by demonstrating a commitment to inclusion," Special Olympics President and CEO Matthew Aaron told FOX 29.

Haverford High High has 170 students in the Best Buddies program where students pair up with students with disabilities in and out of the classroom. 

"I think everyone deserves to be treated the same. There’s no difference and it’s awesome to be part of and it feels super cool," Best Buddies member Ryan Young explained.

There are 150 high schools in Pennsylvania and 5,000 across the country that participate in the Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools program.

"The kids are growing up with this and they’re so used to having special needs kids around them it doesn’t even phase them. So as a parent makes you feel comfortable knowing that they’re going into a place where they’re totally accepted," Bridget Morris said.

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