Health kiosks dispensing vital lifesaving supplies coming to Delaware County

Residents in Delaware County will soon have free 24-hour access to health care from all places: a vending machine. Delaware County Council recently approved the installation of three new, fully automated healthcare kiosks around the county.

The "Test and Go" kiosk, about the size of a large soda machine, dispenses and processes medical testing kits for a number of illnesses like COVID, Influenza, RSV and STD’s.

They’ll also be stocked with other lifesaving supplies like drug testing strips, first aid kits, condoms and the opioid emergency drug Naloxone, for free.

"This was something [Delaware County Health Department] had seen that’s evidence based that’s been done in other locations and it just seemed like a great way to get easy access to the community," said Dr. Monica Taylor, Chair of the Delaware County Council.

The healthcare kiosks will be placed at the government complex in Media, the Keystone Wellness Center, in Chester and the Yeadon Shopping Center.

The refrigerated kiosks sold by Longview International Technology are being paid for by a federal COVID grant. Medical tests are dropped off, samples are picked up and results are received through a QR code and mobile app.

"It gives out tests and some tests you have to submit back to it for results. The vendor comes to check it every day. They take it away to a lab and bring results back. You’ll get the results. We will also get the results at the health department," Taylor remarked.

Delco residents say the innovation helps provide access to medical care when cost or privacy is an issue.

"If they didn’t have that, then you would have to pay for it out of pocket, especially if you don’t have insurance," said Heather Bakanauskas of Glenolden.

"If it’s going to keep people healthy, why not? If it’s going to keep people healthy and safe, let’s have it," added Wayne Osborne of Media.

The "Test and Go" kiosks are scheduled to be installed and online by the end of the summer. The county entered into a one-year contract with the vendor. The hope is to expand the program depending on its success.