How to spell? These are the most misspelled words in Pennsylvania, NJ and Delaware

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Most misspelled words in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware

Do you spell these words correctly? According to Google, these are the most misspelled words for each state.

We all have that one word that trips us up every time, and so does where you live!

Google just revealed its annual list of the "Most Misspelled Words" by state in celebration of the spelling bee finals.

The survey analyzed the top trending "how to spell" searches for all 50 states, and the Delaware Valley's results may surprise you.

Pennsylvania struggled the most with spelling "mountain."

"Experience" was tricky for the state of New Jersey, while those in Delaware are having a hard time with "business."

As for Maryland, they seem to be a bit confused about how to spell "Pennsylvania!"

Here are a couple of other misspelled words across the country:

  • Wisconsin: "ally" 
  • Virginia: "said"
  • Texas: "physique"
  • Arkansas: "exercise"
  • Nebrask: "California"
  • Utah: "Mississippi"
  • California: "pretty"
  • Mississippi: "nervous"

Good thing we all have spell check, right?!