International travel is permitted from Philadelphia, but research before booking a trip

International flights have the green light from Philadelphia International Airport and there are outstanding dream destinations to be had dirt cheap. The challenge is many countries have not opened their borders to Americans.

“I would like to go to Tokyo,” John stated.

John, from Macungie, fresh in from Dallas, is not taking Tokyo off his bucket list.

“Somebody. But, with what’s going on in that whole area…it’s scary,” John exclaimed.

It’s a wild frontier. International travel resumed out of the airport again Monday. In a statement, a spokesperson called the “restoration of transatlantic service” a “critical step in rebuilding the region’s economy and the airport’s vitality.”

There aren’t many international flights Tuesday, but many passengers are trying to make connections, like Justin, a homesick Canadian.

“The whole border is closed down. Can’t fly, can’t drive, can’t do anything,” Justin stated.

What’s worse, round trip to Montreal is only $300. So, that’s the juggle – dirt cheap prices on worldwide destinations, but should the public go? Can United States citizens even get into other countries?

“Dubai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Switzerland. That’s the top four I can think of right now,” said one passenger.

“Cape Town, South Africa,” said another passenger.

Cape Town and Tokyo are State Department Level 3, which means reconsider travel there, but $1,100 to Cape Town and $500 to Tokyo round trip…that’s a lot to consider.

“We have a trip booked right now to Greece and Turkey. Now Greece is not open and Turkey is. So, we’re kind of playing it day-by-day. We were supposed to go in the middle of October, so it’s exciting to hear that some trips are opening up,” explained a third passenger.

And, he may rearrange the vacation to keep it all in Turkey, he says, but by mid-October, be allowed back in Greece, as the big jets boom off into the distant unknown.

Heavy research is recommended before making any travel arrangements. Visiting the State Department website and the websites of American embassies of the countries passengers wish to travel to is extremely important.


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