Intruders try to disable security system in Buckingham Twp. home break-in: police

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Surveillance video captures 3 suspects in Buckingham Twp. home burglary

A home burglary in Buckingham Twp. is under investigation after police say three suspects were caught on surveillance video.

Imagine you are upstairs in your home and you suddenly hear suspicious noises coming from downstairs. So you call the police, and it turns out to be burglars. 

Well, that's what happened to a couple in this Bucks County neighborhood, and now police are looking for those responsible.

What we know:

Surveillance video captured the moment three men dressed in all black, wearing hoods and masks, came running out of a home in Buckingham Township. 

Police say they had just finished burglarizing the large, single home on the 5700 block of Ridgeview Drive.

"I was in total shock. This is a very peaceful, unassuming area," said Chris Phillips, who lives in the neighborhood. "Clearly whoever did this were looking at different homes, and probably my home was one of them as well."

Phillips says police knocked on his door last Tuesday, March 11, around 9 p.m. to let him know that a burglary had just happened next door. 

Police say the homeowners were upstairs when they heard loud noises coming from the basement, so they announced from the second floor that they were calling the police. 

The suspects then left through the rear kitchen door.

When officers arrived, they say they found forced entry through the rear basement door and the home’s phone line disconnected. 

Police say it appears the suspects tried to disable the home’s security system.

What they're saying:

"To have apparently three masked men break into the home while other people were home is shocking," Phillips added. "I have cameras. The lights are on. The doors are checked for big locks. I have a nice big dog."

Phillips is hopeful these deterrents keep any possible burglars away, but in case, people who live in this wooded, secluded area have decided to begin a neighborhood watch. He also provided police with footage his security cameras captured.

"We didn't see anybody in particular. It's very dark. It's on infrared camera. We did the best we could, and hopefully it will help them do their job," Phillips said.

What you can do:

Police are stressing to people the importance of making sure your home doesn’t attract burglars. 

Some tips include keeping lights on inside and outside, picking up your mail, and installing cameras. 

The Source: The information in this story is from Buckingham Township police.

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