Julian Castro considers running for president in 2020

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The Texas Democrat is a visiting fellow at the UT's LBJ school this academic year, teaching housing and economic mobility. The San Antonio native is the former secretary of housing and urban development under the Obama administration and was up for consideration to run alongside Hilary Clinton in the 2016 election.

The question if Castro will be the first Latino president in 2020 is still uncertain.

"I may I've stated very clearly to folks because I feel you should be upfront with people that I am going to think about it. I am going to take between now and November to help people who are running in races across the country," Castro said.

Castro was the youngest city councilmen back in 2001 and was mayor in 2009.

He was the first Hispanic to deliver the keynote address at the democratic national convention in 2012. Castro and his twin brother Joaquin came from humble beginnings in San Antonio growing up on the west side and attending Jefferson High School.

Castro said Joaquin has decided not to run for Senate and is focused on the house committee and foreign affairs committee.

Following Wednesday's tragedy that struck a south Florida high school, killing 17 people. Castro is calling for gun regulation.

"The first that I thought when I saw what happen yesterday was…that we're seeing this again I think that's what a lot of people feel clearly these types of incidents are increasing in their frequency this is the 18th school shooting just in 2018 people will remember not too long ago this used to be a fairly rare occurrence," said Castro. "It really is about what we can agree with that will limit the ability for people to have guns that shouldn't have them and also limit the ability for someone to inflict that kind of damage that quickly and that efficiently. If we can do that I think we can be in a better spot."

He also hopes lawmakers find a decision for dreamers whose lives hang in the balance awaiting the March deadline. "It is a tremendous failing of the Congress that they have not come to an agreement on the most sympathetic individuals caught on all this issue of immigration which are these dreamers," Castro said.

Julian Castro will be at the New Hampshire young democrats award dinner Friday. He said it's one of many steps in helping encourage young democrats to become the leaders of the future.