Last-minute Christmas shopping set to break records with potential to overtake Black Friday

Saturday is setting up to be a record-breaking shopping day, with shoppers rushing out to get last-minute gifts just two days before Christmas. People packed the malls and stores in such big numbers, it could potentially be busier than Black Friday.

Even Santa knows the crowds are crazy on Christmas Eve Eve.

"These are the days I wish the parents would bring the kids earlier," Santa Claus said. "The last weekend before Christmas is always tough. Of course, the Saturday before Christmas that you’re interrupting means the lines get longer."

"So, you’re putting me on the naughty list for interrupting?" asked FOX 29’s Ellen Kolodziej.

"You said that, I didn’t," Santa answered.

Last-minute shopper Michelle Ortiz remarked, "I think that waiting closer to Christmas is smarter for sales, maybe, not for our stress!"

Stress can be magnified when an original plan falls through.

"I was going to get my parents something on Amazon and I kept putting it off and now we’re here," Andrew Botak explained. "And, I can’t find anything, so I’m just like ugh."

"It’s been super busy, the stores are crowded," Jonah Rodriguez commented.

"Are you finding what you need?" Kolodziej asked.

"No, not at all!" Rodriguez replied. "We’re just indecisive, wanting stuff. We don’t have a lot of money."


Last-minute Christmas shoppers out in full force as the holiday rapidly approaches

Last-minute holiday shoppers are on the move across the Delaware Valley Friday as the clock quickly ticks down to Christmas.

Everyone seems to have someone special they’re buying for, like shopper Trish Ginger, "Last-minute Christmas shopping for the grandparents!"

And, businesses say they’ve been bombarded since the doors opened Saturday morning.

"Oh, it has been extremely busy," Maylor James, with Bantor by Piercing Pagoda, said. "I opened up around 9 this morning. By the time I got here, I already had two customers waiting, which was great for business."

Shops like Karite Naturals, that sell specialty skincare and African clothing, have been bustling all week. Manager Tamora Williams said, "Usually, for us, from Wednesday before Christmas, all the way up to Christmas Eve, it’s a bunch of people in the mall, so we’re very excited about that."

Because no one wants to be Mister Grinch and strike out finding that perfect gift, but, be prepared as Sunday could be even worse.

Michelle Gonzalez, with SNA Beauty Empire, stated, "I know tomorrow is going to be the busiest day, the day before Christmas, because they feel like the biggest deals are right before Christmas."

Also, be on the lookout for a new scam, when purchasing gift cards. It’s called card draining. Thieves will take the gift card numbers and put them back on the shelves. Always save the gift receipt.