Local man pops the question at St. Mary Medical Center

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A love story started with a terrible accident and a chance meeting at the hospital. Now, ten years later at the same hospital he popped the question.

The hospital is an odd place for Jake Allen to drop on one knee and ask Trez Maurer to marry him. Especially since moments earlier, she was furious with Jake, a Bristol police officer, because his boss asked him to swing by the hospital to drop off some paperwork and they were late for dinner.

"I was angry cause I'm like this is our date night, we're already running behind. Now I have to cancel these reservations. God only knows how long we're gonna be here and it's completely out of the way," she explained.

Actually it wasn't. It was planned for months. It was the perfect place to ask Trez to marry him because it was the exact spot where they met ten years ago to the day.

They were sophomores at Pennsbury High School and didn't know one another when suddenly there was a terrible accident. A school bus lost control and injured several students, including Trez's close friend Melissa.

"I called her phone frantic, constantly, back-to-back and there was no answer," Trez explained.

Finally, someone picked up. It was Jake, a stranger who witnessed the accident, wasn't hurt, but immediately began caring for Melissa until she reached the hospital.

"I was freaking out and I said I don't know who you are. What is going on?" said Trez.

And this is where they met. Trez's friend recovered, and within a month, Trez and Jake? well..they started hanging out.

"Knowing that he did the good deed of doing what he did for her, it opened my eyes. Wow, he's a sweet, really nice kids, and wow, we have some of the same friends," she explained.

Except for one year apart, through college and beyond, they've been together ever since.

Jake is in law enforcement and Trez is now a registered nurse and planning a wedding.

"That holds us close together and makes us smile, cause it's fun to tell, even though it was a horrible tragedy,"Trez explained.

Photo and video courtesy: Bucks County Courier Times