Mom's message for woman who shamed her son in Queen Elsa dress

UNITED KINGDOM (WTXF) A woman took to Facebook with a message to the stranger she says shamed her 3-year-old son at the school bus stop for wearing a princess dress.

Haylee Bazen posted on Facebook a photo of herself and her son, Zackary, wearing matching Disney shirts along with a photo of her son in a Queen Elsa costume. She shared a powerful message to a woman she says interrupted her conversation with her son at the bus stop. According to Haylee, the woman didn't like what the boy was wearing and didn't like their conversation about their favorite Disney Princess.

She goes on to say that her son can be whoever he wants to be and yes, she did send him to school in the dress because he wanted to show his teachers and friends. By the way, Zackary's favorite Disney princess is Snow White.

As of this writing, the post has been shared more than 25,000 times and has over 16,000 comments.

Read the full Facebook post above.
