Montgomery County teen, 13, has Olympic dreams in luge sport

Brianna Gosnell,13, hopes to compete one day at the Olympics.

FOX 29 Photojournalist Bill Rohrer has the story.

She picked up the sport of luge three years ago. Since then, Brianna Gosnell and her family travel to the Olympic training facility in Lake Placid several times a year to train with some of the best luge coaches in the country, which is a round trip of 12 hours by car. 

“A lot of people just think it's just getting on the sled and go but it is a lot more than that.” Brianna said.

Brianna is improving each year and she already won gold at the Empire State games last year with speeds that can reach up to 60 miles per hour.

Her equipment and tuition are expensive.  Fundraising events help with the cost. She is bringing attention to a sport little known in her home town near Philadelphia.


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