NE Philadelphia community leader, shot during carjacking, hosting toy drive

The holiday season is a special time for Raheem Bell, as he’s always trying to give back, hosting toy drives and reaching out to the kids in his community that need to feel loved the most.

"Families are being affected by the pandemic and just some families don’t have and we want to give back," Bell said.

In April, he was shot during a carjacking outside his Oxford Circle home.


He remembers looking out from his hospital window eager to get back to giving. "I just was thinking about getting back and getting back out here, so I can provide for my community," said Bell.

His Winter Wonderland event is a culmination of hard work with the dedicated partners who help him put it together.

They are gathering 500 toys to give to the kids.

The event will bring together guest speakers, anti-violence advocates, the fire and police department and artists like T. Marie.

"We in Philadelphia, there’s a lot going on in their surroundings and their environment," T. Marie said. "It’s important to give them something to believe in and give them that little light and being able to still be a kid and have something to look forward to."

Bell wants young people look at him and see a way forward. A way out of the darkness and towards forgiveness and hope.

"Don’t let a traumatic situation hold you back. You can continue to push forward. Don’t let nothing hold you back," Bell said.

They are accepting donations until the 21st at Bethune Mary McLeod School. The event is December 23rd, from 12 to 3 p.m.

Anyone wishing to help can get information at Bell's Instagram page, here, or through email.