No UFO, no meteor seen in Delaware Valley skies but a Florida rocket launch
Florida rocket launch as seen in Philadelphia
Florida rocket launch seen in Philadelphia. Courtesy Anthony Malave
PHILADELPHIA - Did you see something bizarre in the sky Saturday evening?
No, it wasn't a UFO, a meteor or even a comet.
It was a rocket flying over our skies Saturday night around sunset and it was quite the sight, if you saw it.
The rocket did look similar to a comet. The rocket, surprisingly, launched from Florida.
SpaceX launches rockets from NASA's launch area in Cape Canaveral, Florida, and this one was carrying internet satellites into space. The internet satellites are for Starlink, the company associated with Elon Musk.
These internet satellites fly close to Earth, and you can actually see them cross the sky right in your backyard on some clear nights. It will look as if a star is moving because they're about the size of a star to our eyes.
As for the rocket that took them into space, it's called Falcon 9 and it's reusable. According to SpaceX, "Falcon 9 is the world’s first orbital class reusable rocket. Reusability allows SpaceX to refly the most expensive parts of the rocket, which in turn drives down the cost of space access." SpaceX also said this is the fourth time that the rocket took something into space.
As surprising as it was to see that in the sky Saturday night, we've seen this same sight in the past. Anytime a bigger rocket launches from Florida, we have a shot at seeing the rocket launch if the skies are clear enough.
NASA also launches, often smaller, rockets at their launch facility in Wallops Island, Virginia. We'll also see some of them in the sky when the skies are clear. Now, those rockets will have a different look--we'll usually just see clouds from them. The clouds that come out of their exhaust as they fly toward space.