North Wildwood teen curfew: Everything you need to know ahead summer

As many are making their summer plans down the shore, the City of North Wildwood is preparing to enforce a new teen curfew.

Teenagers will now have to be off the streets by 10 p,m.

"Sorry, they need to be supervised" said one woman strolling the North Wildwood boardwalk.

North Wildwood is following a growing number of shore towns instituting a teen curfew.  

No one under the age of 18 is allowed on the streets between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.  

First offenders receive a warning and will be told to go home.

After two warnings, a child's parents could face fines up to $1,500 for repeated offenses.

"I mean it makes sense, but it’s kind of annoying but like it’s bearable. You can do other things like go back to the house and chill out" said 17-year-old Billy Catanzariti who is visiting North Wildwood Memorial Day weekend from Northeast Philadelphia.

"This is probably the last time you’ll walk down this boardwalk and see it empty" said  North Wildwood Mayor Patrick Rosenello while strolling the boardwalk the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend. 


He says this summer, cops won’t be out looking for simple curfew breakers, but it will give officers help to reign in rowdy teens and underage drinkers.

"It’s a tool when juveniles are bringing unwanted attention to themselves. When there large groups, unruly kids who are not disbursing causing mostly nuisance issues" said Rosenello.

Vilma Turner who was in town from New York, says 10 o’clock is late enough for her soon-to-be teenage daughter.  

"Excellent idea. Back in the day they used to have this thing on TV, "Do you know where your children are? " said Turner.

Another change this summer if you coming down to North Wildwood…leave your cabanas at home.

Because of the decade-old beach erosion problem, the city implemented a ban on beach tents and cabanas. 

The Mayor says after an upcoming $15 million beach replenishment project set to begin in a few days, the city may re-visit that ban next year when they have a bigger beach.

NewsCape May County