Olivia Munn breast cancer diagnosis sparks conversation of risk and calculator to assess risk

A breast cancer diagnosis from actress Olivia Munn is sparking an important conversation and not just about awareness and prevention, but also about an online calculator that can gauge a person’s risk.


Doctor Robyn Roth, a Board-Certified radiologist specializing in breast imaging and better known for her educational social media account, "The Boobie Docs" applauds Munn for her outspoken breast cancer diagnosis. "It will help countless women like her that may be high risk and not realize it."

Munn, 43, posted to her Instagram, saying genetic testing that looked at 90 different cancer genes came back negative.

Research shows only 10 to 15 percent of all breast cancers are associated with a genetic abnormality. Munn also said her mammogram was negative.

Dr. Roth explained, "She likely had dense breast tissue, which about 50 percent of women have dense breast tissue. We know that dense breast tissue makes it harder to find small breast cancers using mammography alone. It’s also an independent risk factor for developing breast cancer."

Dr. Roth detailed in a social media post one of the many online free calculators, the Tyrer Cuzick calculator.

"Once you start seeing numbers of 15 or above, I would really recommend you seek some kind of high-risk clinic," Dr. Roth continued. "You can have this really run by a professional and they can help guide your breast cancer screening and also talk about risk reduction strategies."


Olivia Munn talks breast cancer diagnosis, online calculator which points to possible risk

Actress Olivia Munn has revealed that she was diagnosed with breast cancer and she is urging other women to calculate their own risk.

It wasn’t until Munn said her doctor calculated her breast cancer risk assessment score that she determined she should get an MRI, then an ultrasound, and biopsy, revealing an aggressive, fast-moving cancer in both breasts.


Doctor Linna Li, System Chief of Radiation Oncology at Main Line Health, says their technicians always calculate patients scores during their mammograms. A calculation over 20 percent is considered high risk. Munn was 38 percent.

"In Pennsylvania last year, the state actually passed a law to require insurances to cover ultrasounds and MRIs for women that are at high risk," Dr. Li stated.

Some experts recommend women start the conversation about calculating their score as young as their twenties.

"For all the women out there, know your body, know your family history, get your mammograms," Dr. Li said.

Doctor Li also works with the non-profit Unite For HER, which provides a number of free resources and support for breast and ovarian cancer patients.


You can find the Tyrer Cuzick calculator on their website. Another calculator, from the National Cancer Institute, can be viewed at the website, BC Risk Tool (The Gail Model).

Many resources, including lists of private support groups, financial help suggestions, volunteer opportunities and more, can be found at Living Beyond Breast Cancer.

Unite For HER

The Boobie Docs

National Cancer Institute
