Owen J. Roberts School District to begin school with later start times
Owen J. Roberts School District makes changes to school start times
Parents are preparing for later start time as their kids return to school next week in the Owen J. Roberts School District.
POTTSTOWN, Pa. - Owen J. Roberts School District is posting online reminders to parents about changes to school start times for the new school year.
On Monday, students in the district will head back to the classroom.
"I have three kids. The oldest is in a different district. The younger two go to Owen J," said Felicia Mest. She was with one of her little ones this evening. Her daughter had cheer practice.
"It's just 20 minutes for most of us," said Mest. She is talking about school starting about 30 minutes later than previous years.
A notice on the district's website breaks it down.
High school and middle school will now start at 8 a.m. and end at 2:45 p.m.
Elementary schools will start at 8:50 a.m. and let out at 3:30 p.m.
Half-day kindergarten will also start at 8:50 a.m. but will dismiss at 11:35 a.m.
One family told FOX 29 off camera there is a difference in opinion in their household.
Mom said they could manage the later time for their elementary school child, while dad said it was too late, and he was unsure of who would be able to get their daughter to school.
Similar comments were posted on a district Facebook post back in January when the later start times were being recommended to the school board. Working parents sounded off about not being able to adjust their work schedule to accommodate the later start time for younger kids.
Mest says, for her family, the later start time helps since she has school kids of different ages.
"It allows me to get the oldest off to school and then be able to get them to school in time. So I am not rushing to get one to one place and then get the other two another place," she said.
Officials previously said the decision was made based on research on school start times and student sleep health along with the district's hiring of more school bus drivers.