Pennsylvania March for Life: First official state march in the US since Roe v. Wade overturned

Thousands are set to gather at the Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg Monday to march in support of the pro-life movement.

Thousands are set to gather at the Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg Monday to march in support of the pro-life movement.

The second-annual Pennsylvania March for Life is the first official state march to take place in the United States after the Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade case in June.

The decision to overturn the case allowed states to have the final say about whether abortions will be legal. Protests erupted in Philadelphia, and across the nation, to rebuke the controversial decision.

However, on Monday, the Pennsylvania March for Life will "make their voice heard and their presence known on behalf of the unborn and their moms," according to Michael Geer, President of Pennsylvania Family Institute.


The march is set to begin around noon after a rally at the Capitol Building featuring several speakers, including Pennsylvania State Senate Majority Leader Kim Ward and Archbishop of Philadelphia Nelson J. Pérez.

At least 50 parishioners from Saint Cecilia Roman Catholic Church in Northeast Philadelphia boarded a bus to Harrisburg Monday morning.

"The people of Pennsylvania and the state legislature will surely witness the devotion and love that motivate their pro-life constituents, and the state’s enthusiasm for a post-Roe America," said Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life Defense and Education Fund.