Pennsylvania State Police unveil identification card for people with autism

In an effort to ensure safe interactions with law enforcement, Pennsylvania State Police have launched a new resource for people with autism.

Free information cards have been created by the department to be presented during any encounter with an officer.

"Behaviors associated with autism can cause barriers to effective communication. This card can be presented to reduce those barriers," said Colonel Christopher Paris, Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police. 


The free cards which read, "I have autism… Please be patient with me," will alert officers that the person may be nonverbal, bothered by loud noises, hyper-sensitive to touch, and unresponsive to commands or questions.

"The officers are directed to be patient, use a calm and direct voice, and keep their questions and commands simple," police say.

The person's name, contact information and emergency information are also included on the card, which can be downloaded on the state police website.