Philly Vax Sweepstakes: City giving vaccinated residents a chance to win up to $50K

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney announced Monday the launch of the Philly Vax Sweepstakes.

The Philly Vax Sweepstakes is a series of three different citywide drawings designed to motivate Philadelphians into getting their vaccine against COVID-19. 

As such, a total of 36 vaccinated Philadelphians will win cash prizes up to $50,000 with a grand total of nearly $400,000 total in giveaways. 

The drawings will be held on June 21, July 6, and July 19. 

Of the available prizes, six individuals will win $1,000, four will win $5,000; and two will win $50,000. 

"We’re incredibly proud of our extensive efforts to vaccinate our residents and that more than two-thirds of Philadelphia adults have received their first dose. The vaccine is critical to protecting us from COVID-19, getting back to the things we’ve missed, and safely reigniting our economy," said Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney. "This exciting initiative offers an opportunity to reward Philadelphians who have already been vaccinated while also motivating those who haven’t yet. I thank our partners at the University of Pennsylvania for making this incredible opportunity possible and encourage all Philadelphians to vax up to win!"

In each of the three sweepstakes drawings, one zip code from the 20 zip codes in Philadelphia with the lowest vaccination rates as of May 27th will be selected at random for extra prizes. 

No zip code will be chosen twice so each drawing will award prizes to someone in a different zip code each time. 

For the first sweepstakes drawing on June 21, the selected zip code is: 19126, which includes parts of East and West Oak Lane in North Philadelphia.

To register to participate in the Philly Vax Sweepstakes, you can visit the website here. To learn where to get vaccinated or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 215-685-5488. 



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NewsPhiladelphiaJim KenneyCoronavirus Vaccine