As Philly boom parties return, South Jersey lawmakers ask Mayor Cherelle Parker to help end the noise

Boom parties are back and South Jersey residents from Paulsboro to Burlington City are fed up and asking Mayor Cherelle Parker to step in and put a stop to the noise.

Fran Scott, a Palmyra resident, described the sounds she hears this way, "It’s coming across the river, they say. I can hear it clear."

FOX 29’s Steve Keeley asked her, "Were you surprised to hear it’s coming from Philadelphia?"

"Yeah," she replied. "I thought it was down the street."


They’re called boom parties and the booms are keeping people up all night.

Riverton Police Chief, Andrew Beuschel, stated, "You could hear it from Burlington City all the way down to Paulsboro and so yeah, it is loud. It vibrates the houses. Even inland, you know, towns like Maple Shade, Moorestown, Cinnamonson inland they hear it too."

New Jersey State Senator, Troy Singleton, sent a letter to Mayor Cherelle Parker, that was signed by several South Jersey state and local leaders pleading for help, saying those on the Jersey side of the river have had to endure year after year of incessant and constant reverberations from boom car parties.

Singleton said, "I was encouraged the mayor’s office actually reached out, acknowledging the fact that we wanna be good neighbors. As well as the Philadelphia Police Department, who we’ve had conversations with in the past. So, we look forward to collaboration to finally eradicate this problem."