Police investigate violent shooting at Chinese restaurant in Upper Darby

Sadistic and cold-blooded those are just some of the words Upper Darby's top cop is using to describe a shooting at a Chinese restaurant. The violence has left a man in critical condition.

It happened just before midnight Friday at the Good Luck Chinese Restaurant.

Police say the man in the gray and the cap in the video is the shooter identified as 27-year-old Oscar-Seth-Murray. The video shows him approaching his alleged victim and rifling through his pockets. Eventually, he drags him to the door where he raises his gun and fires, according to the video.

"It's a sadistic, heinous, cold-blooded, calculated shooting. That's period what it is," Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said.

The victim--known as "Bree"--is in critical condition likely facing the remainder of his life unable to move his legs. Investigators say the bullet entered his neck, passed through his back and struck the leg of a 16-year-old waiting for his order.

Police are also looking for Timothy Dwayne Price. Police say he's the guy in the white who follows Murray to the street and squeezes-off two blasts as the alleged shooter runs.

The restaurant was shuttered Tuesday morning, but a woman entering from a side door, who said she was an employee, remained tight-lipped.

Neighbors say the restaurant opens by mid-afternoon and does business into the night.

FOX 29 called to a woman named "Shirley" identified as the owner complained the violence has her hurt business